Custom Tee's and posters - MAET Style


For the 2011 summer MAET program I decided to create a custom look and feel for the course related material.  Since this program is so unique I decided to create a new look or "brand" for the course this past summer.  I wanted to create something that was both contemporary (in terms of design) but also representative of the educational technology focus of the program.  My original design inspiration came from the design group Build and their designs for the documentary film Urbanized.  

For the main focus I wanted to focus on the text of "Educate" since that verb is just what is happening, the students in the program are being educated, but the students themselves are the best possible educational technology advocates who take what they have learned and further educate their colleagues and students.   Secondly, since there are 3 years of the program, I wanted to create a unique design for each year trying to pull together a visual representation that was special to that year.  The posters are 16 x 24 inches at 300dpi.

Year 1: Grey Poster

This poster emphasizes the initial integration of what the Masters of Arts in Educational Technology is all about.

Year 2: Red Poster

For year 2 I wanted something slightly more "busy" as the level of technology integration increases as students start exploring and researching the integration of technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge (TPACK).

Year 3: Green Poster

Year 3 is a wonderful capstone to the program in which students are pushed to explore and experience many technology tools and platforms for which they can use in their own professions.  The students in year 3 will be exposed to a wide range of technologies from image editing, website development, audio and video production.

Why QR codes?

A common theme throughout the the posters in addition to the main textual theme of "Educate" is the integration of QR codes in each of the posters.  The QR codes were used to continue the theme of educational technology by enhancing the posters themselves which are printed on paper, as still being interactive when scanned with a smart phone or other device that can read QR codes, allowing me to keep the design fairly simple while still being able to provide the necessary information.

Finished Product:

The Posters came out great, the only small issue I had was with the green poster.  I could not find a print shop that could go as neon of a green as I had designed so I ended up settling for what they had.

Tee Shirt:

As an added element to the summer design, we decided to create a tee shirt based on the year 3 (green) poster.  Since the decision to make the shirts came late in the game, I only had time to get enough printed for the staff of the summer program.  I had a small run of 20 shirts run from the great folks at   The shirts were a hit, and you can be sure that next summer everyone will have a chance to order one.

Cribs Video - MAET Style


CRIBS - This past summer during our summer Masters in Educational Technology (MAET) program we (the instructors) decided to shoot a quick MTV style cribs video for our participation in the last installment of the student run weekly news.  It has been a tradition for the instructors to contribute a small segment in the last week of the news, and since we weren't about to disappoint we grabbed my camera and started filming.

One of the challenges that our students face consistently in their professional capacities is making the most of the equipment they can get their hands on.  In many public schools this means doing what you can on a shoestring budget.  So in the spirit of leading by example we used an minimalist kit to shoot this video.  While we didn't go super low-tech we did keep it very simple, no lighting kits, only one camera, one lens and some creativity.  This video was shot entirely on a Nikon D300s DSLR with the 18-200mm VR Nikor Lens and a single Sony wireless lapel mic.  The video was all hand held, with the occasional shot being held steady by attaching the camera to a tripod and holding the legs of the tripod against out bodies.

Overall, the shoot took us about 1 1/2 hours to film (including all the goofing around) and then a quick overnight editing job.  Given the fact that we started filming around 7pm the night before the video was due we were very pleased with the final result.

If you are interested in the MAET Program at all check us out... Masters in Educational Technology

Or follow us on Twitter - MAET