
Mobile Lecture Capture - Presentation


This is a video recording of my presentation to the Web Development Group at Michigan State University on February 19th, 2010. Presentation Part 1 of 2.

Presentation Part 2 of 2

Here is the original presentation, feel free to explore as you like.  I used Prezi to create and share this presentation.

Cribs Video - MAET Style


CRIBS - This past summer during our summer Masters in Educational Technology (MAET) program we (the instructors) decided to shoot a quick MTV style cribs video for our participation in the last installment of the student run weekly news.  It has been a tradition for the instructors to contribute a small segment in the last week of the news, and since we weren't about to disappoint we grabbed my camera and started filming.

One of the challenges that our students face consistently in their professional capacities is making the most of the equipment they can get their hands on.  In many public schools this means doing what you can on a shoestring budget.  So in the spirit of leading by example we used an minimalist kit to shoot this video.  While we didn't go super low-tech we did keep it very simple, no lighting kits, only one camera, one lens and some creativity.  This video was shot entirely on a Nikon D300s DSLR with the 18-200mm VR Nikor Lens and a single Sony wireless lapel mic.  The video was all hand held, with the occasional shot being held steady by attaching the camera to a tripod and holding the legs of the tripod against out bodies.

Overall, the shoot took us about 1 1/2 hours to film (including all the goofing around) and then a quick overnight editing job.  Given the fact that we started filming around 7pm the night before the video was due we were very pleased with the final result.

If you are interested in the MAET Program at all check us out... Masters in Educational Technology

Or follow us on Twitter - MAET

Labor Day Video Shoot

In celebration of Labor Day this year, a few friends and I piled into a car and headed up north to Michigan’s Mackinac Bridge.  We went to the bridge to participate in the 52nd annual Bridge Walk.  Every year (for the last 52 anyway) they shut down the bridge on Labor Day and people from all over the country (and World) walk across the bridge.  It is quite the spectacle.  We were lucky to have great weather all weekend, we did have a nice patch of fog roll in on us as we were crossing the bridge, so that made for some interesting atmosphere to both walk and photograph.  The following video is a short compilation of the some 1000+ images I shot while on my trip.